theyoungersister previous posts well, i am no angel. brahmin boys, this is for you. sista dahling. caution: chiobus and cleavage. please don't feed the boys. the cutest baby in the world. this is what happens when photowhores and a tiara ... msn. pickmepickme! past December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 links ashley! jingaling nini theOlderSister yunwen (: PostSecret
Shouts Credits Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: Kristi |
Friday, March 31, 2006 you are beginning to annoy me. 1:04 PM you are beginning to annoy me. i think you should appreciate the fact that i'm going to school and still coming for dance class and not giving silly excuses and not coming for class. and on top of that, i always make sure that i go through my steps so i don't come to class not remembering anything that you taught me the previous class. so, don't be mean to me. if you're mean, i have no mood to dance. which means you have no mood to choreograph. which means you come up with fugly steps. which irritates me. cos i hate fugly steps. you could: 1. stop telling me that 'if i don't know the song, you won't be able to dance properly'. agreed. but don't you think that YOU shd memorise the songs so that you don't keep breaking the song in between and restarting from dunno where? that just confuses me. breaks the linearity in the learning process, and then i dunno what somes when. don't confuse noojie! and if you don't know the song, you stare at your notes and don't seem to be interested in whether i'm dancing properly or not. then i dance properly for what? for the plastic lameass decoration on your wall? 2. you scold me when i tell you i can't come for class one day cos of some school thing. can i suggest something? why dont you come for class ON TIME. i always end up waiting for you outside. and while waiting for you, i conscientiously do warm ups so that i can dance immediately. and you, turn up 20 to 30 mins late, go out for another 15 min to get a cup of coffee. and when i amuse myself reading a book or a magazine (time rules!) you scold me for not gg thru my dance things. there is only so much i can do okay. 3. then, you try and choreo on the spot. waste so much time! i just stand there, and watch you. and you expect me to absorb the step just like that, when it's so new. and when i take time to get the step and do it properly you get irritated. you know, if you pre choreoed we wouldn't have this problem. i have got tons of stuf to study can? 4. how can you expect me to have facial expression and total involvement when i JUST learnt some steps? here i am, trying to remember 1001 things, not just dance things and do them properly so appreciate my effort or i will keep giving you attitude. give me some time, and more practice by maximizing the time we have in class. 5. my life does not revolve arnd dance class. please remember that i have 1001 commitments outside of dance. and especially with exams arnd the corner, trust me, its the 60 pages of my econs text book that i gotta read today thaht bothers me more than what come after what in my kautuvam. 6. don't be such a hypocrite. you bitch about other teachers doing some nonsense on stage, and your choreo resembles theirs a fair a bit. just cos the singapore audience likes things fast so that they wont be bored it does NOT mean that you make the steps SO confusing until i take dunno how long to get them! and you get irritated when i dont get them. wah lau eh boss, your steps give me psychomoto problems. hard lar. if i ask you to change to get all -youthinkyoucanchoreobetter-. boohisss. and can you stop putting steps that make me run around the stage? i hate those! the audience may like fast crap but make sure the dancer can dance without dying from breathlessness during the first item! 7. i have to admit, your choreo is masculine. too masculine. women do NOT look nice with too many kicks here, there and everywhere. it's unglam. it's fugly. sometimes i do KNOW what i'm talking about. so seriously, i know you have the honourable intention of making the overall presentation look good but dont over do it can? i'm losing my mind over this kautuvam. you are a good teacher, i enjoy your classes but lately it's becoming a chore. 4 times a week? killer you know. sigh. and really boss, there isn't enough time. saying there is isnt going to change anything. face the facts. love, anuja 0 comments |