nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g
did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

it's britney, bitch

9:49 PM
i think everyone is secretly obsessed with britney. you may bitch about her, criticize her crazyness but at some level you are interested in what she is doing.

have you seen her new video? i think it's AWESOME. she looks good, just like she did in her virginal days (minus the clothes of course). as usual, the song is hate-at-first-listen but then it grows on you, and after watching the video you marvel at her come back and how well she dances and shakes her booty. she's BACK! in control. YAY. go britney!

her marketing team is fantastic. her dance choreo is wow. her kids must be so proud of her, no?

god, the song is stuck in my head. my webcast now sounds like so if you want to (womanizer woman-womanizer) minimize loss you (you you you are!) will choose an interest rate (womanizer womanizer) to influence...

you get the picture.


Monday, October 27, 2008

happy deepavali

9:02 AM
i don't know how to answer questions when someone asks me, how do you celebrate deepavali (well, especially this year). the typical deepavali would be going to the temple in the morning, lunch at the uncle's place and then we'd inadvertently get into a fight in the evening cos the mother will insist i attend a socially superficial 'party' with people i don't know. i will argue that i don't know these kids, while my mother will argue back that i should learn to socialise. really? going for these 'parties' simply reinforced my mother's subconscious insinuations that other people's children are better than her own kids. besides, i don't want to mix around with kids who talk like this: 'oHH my gawd, the play was soooo good and like, i like, almost came in my pants.' oh, really, good for you.

this deepavali is no different, only the yelling started much much earlier (: and as usual, i have assignments to do and worries about looming exams. great! it's a time for celebration!

happy deepavali, everyone! (:(: i actually do mean it okay.

oh yes, the next time my mother complains that any of us talk too much, i will try not to tell her that it's in the genes.


Friday, October 24, 2008

this is like a new toy!

10:02 AM
i keep playing around with the html. i have to stop. and i feel like blogging, for purely narcisstic reasons, so that i will think i am funny and laugh at myself.

so yesterday some dubious guy hit on me (it's a weekly affair) where he says insesitive and deragatory things and for some reason the i can only come back with snappy remarks that seem to make it worse. so i was telling H about it.

me: he hit on me again! do you know what he said? *rants*

H: are you trying to make me jealous?

me: *stunned* why. would i try to make you jealous. it's annoying. and traumatic. not flattering. and my pain is usually your entertainment.

H: cos girls usually say such things to make people jealous. but it's funny.

me: when someone hits on me and i don't mind it, i don't tell you.

H: you probably don't tell me that you flirt back as well, right?

how does he know! at least he doesn't beat me up about it (:


Thursday, October 23, 2008


10:07 PM
so i changed the layout (again). the previous one was too confusing. everytime i tried to edit the html something would screw up. and i fgured it was time to grow up (even if am in denial) and i thought i should get a template that wasn't designed by a 14 year old. i progressed to using the remplate of a 16 year old instead. (thank you felice in scgs who goes to church). that's growing up to me haha. and pink to purple is progress i say.

god, some kids are really talented in terms of designs! but some have very emo-nemo words that, i assume, are reflective of teenage angst and i like to think i have grown out of that phase. (: shut up, all of you.

anyway now i will feel like writing and reading my own blog cos i don't see an error message appear on the background. yay! (:

today i got accosted by a japanese christian woman who tried to sell me some ideology. it would have helped if her english was better. and after 9 weeks of SN3276 she tells me 'the bible is fact! the bible is scripture! the bible is a prophesy!' i'm like, sweetie, i don't think so.

in terms of timing, H and i are just plain unlucky. he disappears for a month from next week and when he finally emerges my exams start, and when he finally gets a break i will be in bangkok. great! awesome.


Sunday, October 05, 2008


6:13 PM
i think women have every right to be difficult, irrational and illogical.

emotionally speaking, we have a uterus. we have monthly issues so that we can change our surnames and men can propagate their seed. we go through unnecessary pain. when i say pain i mean PAIN. and it's only men who say childbirth is a beautiful process. god, if it's so beautiful do it yourself. we suffer for YOU. allow us to be cranky and mean.

and scientifically speaking, it's the uterus that the main cause of our hormornes. that's what makes us unstable and illogical. we can't help it. be glad that the male hormorne makes you happy.

so, you know, if any woman is accused of being too emotional and cranky and whatever else, blame it on the need for man to reproduce.

we didn't ask for it, bastards.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

when i just don't get it.

12:42 AM
me: let's go play badminton!

H: no cannot, shoulder problem.

me: =( i'm really good haha but i'll give you easy shots i promise.

H: no, i cannot do anything that involves an abduction.

me: but i didn't ask you to kidnap anybody!

H: *stunned*

talk english you medical students! grrr.