nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

previous posts

far from geek
i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g
did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2008
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August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009


yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Saturday, April 29, 2006

the simple joys of lfe.

10:52 PM
wheee back at home!

exams over, spent 2 days havocking (ahh my sincerest apologies and genuinest thanks to those there with me. i am still scared to upload pics from my camera, unsure of what incriminating pictures were taken by lish and ash hahaa) and now i am back at home!

the things that have made me happy:

1. hot milo on a cold rainy rainy rainy day
2. going to sleep in the afternoon, feeling absolutely no guilt, and with no need to set an alarm to wake up
3. starting/reading/finishing a good book, curled up on the couch, without the voice in your head constantly nagging at you to go study bitch!
4. a huge bowl of thayir sadham with lotss of lemon oorugai. aahaha the maami in me will always be there =)
5. my happy yellow new skirt!

a happy noojie is a...happy noojie!


Friday, April 28, 2006

my first day at my new job.

10:10 PM
[disclaimer: the following is a highly exaggerated account of, well, read on]

boy was i nervous.

i had no idea how tough a job it could be.

out of the goodness of my heart, and given that my exams ended early, i thought i could handle it. but suddenly, i was unsure.

i had instructions on what to do. but they were confusing, and my brain refused to process them. i read them, and reread them, and then read them again just the make sure. my boss had also said to call if i had any doubts...but if i did call my boss, that'd just show inadequacy on my part yes?

i told myself, noojie you can do this.

and i did. =)

i plucked up my courage, discarded my nervousness and i got the job done.

i'm proud of you nooJ, newly appointed welfare officer!

after all, how hard can it be buying lunch for 4 hungry 5th floor short wingers? hahahhaa.

i even got a certificate from my boss, melf, saying i beat all the other walfare officers. haha how heartwarming, given that there are no other welfare officers. hahaha. how cute of melf. hahah.



Wednesday, April 26, 2006

pujie byebye.

1:47 AM
pujie has gone byebye.

i will miss you pujie.

pujie come home soon. i have chicken herbal soup for you.

good luck for the exams! do well. i have a paper tmr at 1 and i spent the evening trying on clothes AND watching the pussy cat dolls. or what benny says, the pussy dolls.

oh SO wrong, benny.

i bet HWSRALHWDTRADH will miss you too.
note: dear HWSRALHWDTRADH i think i hear mary calling for you. she put up a notice for missing lambs, with fleece as white as snow. on second thoughts, that may not be you. =) and hope your soci paper was alright. you cheater. it was more of a pol science module. market spoiler! grrr. oh i think you very the hamsum one. hahaha. for that compliment i insist on a treat wheee.

the rest of you, laugh at pujie. hahahhaa.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

my econs textbook

1:54 PM
my micro econs textbook is hilarious. it's written by 2 comedians Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfield.

'Pyndiyck and Rubinfield are also coauthors of Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, a best selling textbook that may or may not be turned into a feature film. Rubinfield expects to play the lead in the film version of the book. In order to earn some exra spending money, the two authors recently enrolled as human subjects in a double blind test of a new hair restoration medication. Rubinfield strongly suspects that he is being given the placebo.'

how cute.



7:09 AM
yay! yippeedoO! it's over it' finished!

no, not the exams. hahaha. just my 24 hour paper. although it does seem like all my papers are over, when in truth i've got papers on monday, tuesday and wednesday. pfffft.

what an achievement! i spent 20 hours on it. 4 hours of sleep. hahaa. on hindsight i realise there are some things i shd have done differently but i think i my brain was beginning to fry. i hope i get a decent grade. for this module i think i'm hovering at a B+. GAH. so much effort put in.

(my apologies to huren who got most of my drunk rambling. thanks for tolerating hahha)


you know what songs kept playing when i was attempting the paper? i tell you someone out there really hates me.

Jem/24 hours

Been given 24 hours
to tie up loose ends
to make amends
And I can't believe
How I've been wasting my time
In 24 hours they'll be
laying flowers
on my life, it's over tonight
I'm not messing no I
need your blessing

yarrgh. and i then:

What a diff'rence a day makes
Twenty-four little hours...

siGh. bigsiGh.

oh well. i am going to miss this DemoPos class. my classmates are really fun, and there is potential for communication even though the module is over. such nice and mad and fun people they are. =)

and kenny! i'm SO going to miss him. he's BRILLIANT. he did his undergrraduate at bristol in ECONS! and postgraduate at cambridge in PS and he gradutaed with first class honours and what not, was always top boy. and he can still dare say that when he was a student he just felt insecure and how everyone hated him cos he was so smart.

ohno i think i have a crush on my professor!! if he got a slight tan i think he'd be convincing as half indian. hahaha.

okay noojie go haulass and go prep for micro. you know you're royally screwed for exams. :S


Thursday, April 20, 2006

and they begin.

10:48 PM
i was convinced that tomorrow would never come. siggh. the exams seemed so far away. and then it was monday. then tuesday flew by. then wednesday, and today's thursday. and tomorrow, i'll be doing my first ever 24 hr take home exam. quite scary actually. 2500 in 24 hours. wtf! i've always needed a week to slowly and steadily do 25oo words. yikes. i know i suck you smartass law students.

kenneth has warned us that no one is to stay awake for 24 hours doing the essays. i swear from the looks on people's faces, there were some who had planned to do this. =)

the module is on democracy in singapore, essentially a political science module. it's been the most funnest module ever! i think ive only missed one lesson, and that's cos i was sleepy and kenny wasn't coming for that lesson so wheee. the readings are hard and irritating but interesting. hope i do well. sigh.

we've learnt lotsa political theory and i swear i still dunno what habermas said. YARGH. clement! i need your magic book. pweeese. locke, berlin, taylor, hobbes, plato...adorno, marcuse, habermas, marx. libertarian, communitarian, democracy. yarrgh they're swimming in my head.

good luck to meeee.

don't you just love calvin and hobbes? and you know incidentally hobbes in calvin and hobbes was actually named after thomas hobbes, who wrote his version of the social contract. ooooh.

don't i sound cheem hahaaa. hope tmr's essays will sound cheem too.

on a completely unrelated note as always, i squished 3 bugs today. urgh. why do they have to splat like that. it's just gross.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

mfing cramps.

6:40 PM
GREAT. on the DAY of my theatre studies practical exam. brilliant. woke up feeling like shit, and like there was an octopus swimming aroiund in my tummy. and NO that's not cos of nervoursness.

anyway got through the practical (later on that) alright. i am happy! we did a great job! i love all my fat virgins yippeee.

anyway meya told me to go study and i was like go away i have cramps. and then he says:

meya says:
you have dysmenorrhea
(whatever the f that is. it's just BLOODY PAINFUL cramps)

meya says:
In primary dysmenorrhea, there is no underlying gynecologic problem causing the pain. This type of cramping usually begins at menarche (the beginning of menstruation), the time when a girl starts having menstrual periods.
(like i don't know that. that bloody happens to me every month)

meya says:
In secondary dysmenorrhea, some underlying abnormal condition (usually involving a woman's reproductive system) contributes to the menstrual pain. Secondary dysmenorrhea may be evident at menarche but, more often, the condition develops later.
(thanks for the lesson mister. you can stop now.)

meya says:
Menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions. The cramping sensation is intensified when clots or pieces of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus pass through the cervix, especially if a woman's cervical canal is narrow.

The difference between menstrual cramps that are more painful and those that are less painful is apparently related to a woman's prostaglandin levels. Women with menstrual cramps have prostaglandin blood levels that are 5-13 times higher than women who do not experience cramps. Menstrual cramps are very similar to those a pregnant woman experiences when she is given prostaglandin as a medication to induce labor.
(oh joy.)

meya says:
Lack of exercise is now recognized to contribute to painful menstrual cramps.
(aaaah that explains it. i havent exercised in ages)

meya says:
It has long been thought that psychological factors also play a role. For example, it is widely accepted that emotional stress can increase the discomfort of menstrual cramps.
(yes i am fucking stressed i have got bloody exams coming. yarrrgh)

meya says:
Menstrual cramps usually start shortly before the menstrual period, peak within 24 hours after the onset of the pains, and subside again after a day or two.

Menstrual cramps may be accompanied by a headache and/or nausea, which can lead, although infrequently, to the point of vomiting. Menstrual cramps can also be accompanied by either constipation or diarrhea because the prostaglandin (PGF2alpha), which causes smooth muscles to contract, are found in both the uterus and intestinal tract. Some women experience an urge to urinate more frequently.
(OMG i didn't know that! i should have soooo done medicine.)

meya says:
Current recommendations include not only adequate rest and sleep, but also regular exercise (especially walking). Some women find that abdominal massage, yoga, or orgasmic sexual activity help. A heating pad applied to the abdominal area may relieve the pain and congestion.

okay so yes i found out a lot of things about cramps, even stuff i didn't need to know. just one thing. MEN: if a girl tells you she's got cramps, refarin from giving her a damn science lecture about her reproductive system, because, at the moment she isnt too happy with it. i, personally, would like to hang my uterus on a clothes line. all she needs is sympathy. and attention. and a dose of panadol. so if you can give her all of these things, she'll feel MUCH much better. skip the science lesson yea? even if you are a med student. sigh.

on a completely unrelated note:
MENstrual cramps



Tuesday, April 18, 2006

she is her boyfriend's girlfriend.

12:42 PM
there is something suspicious on my room. it stands there, in one corner, hoping to be not seen. it thinks that i do not see it but i do. it doesn't know that i do. it attempts to blend in as part of the mise-en-scene (it's stick like nature allows it to do as such) but my eyes are sharp. i pick up even the smallest of detail. it's glance, furitive. it tries to look away, as if looking at me will bring attention to it. but i am smart. i know it is there. so i use it.


i love my new clothes hanger.
if you wanna borrow it just ask me. hahaha.


Monday, April 17, 2006

i am a hot mama!

8:05 PM


thanks lish!
i'll write you a poem one day! on your leg and i'll make sure you can't wash it off so it'll be on you forever and ever! hahaa.

there was once a sweet young thing called anuja

who brought our lives plenty of drama!

she scribbles on a friends

with multicoloured pens

not to mention she's one hot mama!



2:05 AM

errr. don't ask. =)

i always have random conversations with this fella.
going to miss the rubbish in class, the political theories and most of all, KENNY.


read on, if you dare. if you REALLY don't have anything better to do.
i suggest you return after your exams are over.
or if you paper went horribly (touch wood!) and you need some entertainment.

or if you need some proof that your life is more exciting than mine. =)

Ergo Proxy

my gods i actually understand quantum phy noojie

Ergo Proxy


อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy

trouble with talkin with noojie is

Ergo Proxy

u never know when she's serioys

Ergo Proxy

and when she's pullin UR socks

อารูจา [nooj]


อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy

pippy cock

Ergo Proxy

u doddering fangled poppinjay

อารูจา [nooj]

you blue sky lark flittering for cockles

Ergo Proxy

but dearie

อารูจา [nooj]

yea honey

Ergo Proxy

that's a praise

Ergo Proxy

lolbut birdie crap for birdie crap

Ergo Proxy

i like

อารูจา [nooj]

bird poop

อารูจา [nooj]

is no fun

อารูจา [nooj]

i was at the temple

อารูจา [nooj]

walking to the sanctum

อารูจา [nooj]

and suddenly i saw aplop in front of me

Ergo Proxy


อารูจา [nooj]

kabutar kamine!!

Ergo Proxy


Ergo Proxy

*claps for admirable hindi*

Ergo Proxy

not bad u guano-gatherer

อารูจา [nooj]

guano gatherer?

อารูจา [nooj]

apa ini?

Ergo Proxy

oh guona is bat shit

อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy

u vegetarian

อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy


อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy


Ergo Proxy

aye? *waiting for somethin new*

อารูจา [nooj]

its your turn scumbag

Ergo Proxy

bestial?? that's all u slimy cro magnon?

Ergo Proxy

pathetic even for a toffee nosed carpet seller such as urself


you crumpet eating vulture feed

อารูจา [nooj]

stinky little quahog

Ergo Proxy

i luve crumpetsso dun go for crumpets u scruffy pot-backed visigoth wench

Ergo Proxy


Ergo Proxy


อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy

poisonous hydrocarbon u

อารูจา [nooj]

you destabilize benzene

Ergo Proxy

aaah stuff it u addle-pated lump of methylbenzene

Ergo Proxy

argh lets quit chemicals

อารูจา [nooj]

up yours you ideal speech situation believing racoon from thumbeloina

Ergo Proxy

up urswith a sharp prickly sticku bully, bull headed brontosaurus

อารูจา [nooj]

youre a tricerotops with 3 horns missing

Ergo Proxy

ur a gibbering goatwithout the beard

Ergo Proxy


อารูจา [nooj]

youre a delusional panda who still believes that theres more of you arnd

Ergo Proxy

ur a compassthat points east

อารูจา [nooj]

when in fact the chines have caught all of you and eaten you for breakfast

Ergo Proxy

ur my sidekick that thinks u MATE with the bamboo stead of eating it

Ergo Proxy

insolent invertebrate u

อารูจา [nooj]

i think youre missing some grey matter

Ergo Proxy

ur missing parts of the white as well

อารูจา [nooj]

your boobs are bigger than mine,

Ergo Proxy

of cosso are everyone elses

อารูจา [nooj]


Ergo Proxy


Ergo Proxy

got u there

Ergo Proxy

ok i take it back

Ergo Proxy

shd never insult a woman's assetsi dun wan a dagger in my back

อารูจา [nooj]


อารูจา [nooj]

i wont take a dig where it hurts dont worry

อารูจา [nooj]

ill just physically do it

อารูจา [nooj]


อารูจา [nooj]

as it is

อารูจา [nooj]

there are enough singhs to go around for quite a bit

Ergo Proxy


Ergo Proxy

yeah but most are stupid

อารูจา [nooj]


อารูจา [nooj]

including yourself?

Ergo Proxy

nah of cos not

Ergo Proxy

i managed to last in a slugfest with noojie


Thursday, April 13, 2006


3:06 PM
i don't know why this random thought suddenly struck me. maybe cos i had lunch with mel. she makes me think random. i'm supposed to be thinking of what the AD curve equation is supposed to be but instead:

ok we all know that some mrt stations are named after things. like orchard road. supposedly there were fuit trees and stuff there. and redhill. who doesn't know the folk tale about how the area got to be know as bukit merah. dhoby gaut cos it was a laundry area. yes? yes.

does that mean that ang mo kio was a british area (after colonisation, before independence) and that's why it's ANG MO kio? does kio mean anything?

how about clementi? was it the kelling kia hangout?

was chu kang a famous guy? (before PCK was invented i mean.) why are there 2 stations named after him? there's yio chu kang and chua chu kang.

oh SO random.

(oh yes, vasud and hani. we can have a threesome. let me know when free.)


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

clement i did NOT hit on you.

11:57 PM
hahaha just cos i said even gay guys won't hit on you, don't have to get defensive. =)

today's recollection:

clement and i were talking rubbish at the chatterbox, abt grades, abt cap scores, exams, essays, etc etc. he mentions that he does really well for essays when he cheongs them last minute, and he even got an A+++ for an essay done like that. -applause-

i ask:
clement, since when did you get so intelligent?

i don't know!

sorry dearie. i just had to do so.



1:39 AM

i was just mentioning the irony that noisy guys tend to have quiet girlfriends, and then i was asked, so your point is...

i was like, i can't end up with a quiet guy! i'd be bored to tears. no cannoT! (started ranting) how can. grrr.

then pearline, the ever so sweet says: if introverted and extroverted people go together, then anuja's guy definitely, without a doubt has to be mute.


she continues, and maybe a tiny bit deaf too.

why doesn't she just add blind?? i know i'm fugly. sulk.

uRgh. that's it. i have no hope. i shall be single forever and ever and ever and ever.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006


8:28 PM
from rang de basanti. great movie! i likeilike. i think i shall watch it again once exams are over. (note to self: nooj go study). but this song is ohsonice. it's chill. unlike the usual drum beat bouncy bouncy hindi songs, this song is laid back and feel good. sung by a r rahman and some other guy whose name i dont know. and even if i dont know the language it just sounds good. hahaha.

the movie was very realistically done. you can actually FEEL the love between madhavan and his fiance, you know it's not the typical boy meets girl boy likes girl boy marries girl thingy or boy likes to fondle girl all over thingy. and when he dies, the emotional heartbreak is portrayed beautifully.

did i just spoil the story for you? awww too bad. =)

oh go download the song and sing alonG!

aye saala

Dude ...

abhi abhi huaa yaqeen ki aag hai mujh mein kahi
hui subaah main jal gaya
suraj ko main nigal gaya
ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy
I just realized that I have a fire inside me somewhere
Its a new morning and I am aflame
I overpowered the sun
I'm face to face with light

jo gumshuda-sa khwaab tha voh mil gaya voh khil gaya
who loha thaa pighal gaya kichhaa kichhaa machal gaya
sitaar mein badal gaya
ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy
I have found my lost dream and it had started to blossom
It was a block of iron before but now it has melted, stretched
And has transformed into the melodious strings of the sitar
I'm face to face with light

dhuaan chhataa khula gagan mera
nayi dagar naya safar mera
jo ban sake tu hamsafar mera
nazar mila zara
The fog clears and I can now see my open blue skies
I can see new paths and journeys ahead of me
If you could be my traveling companion
Match your stride with mine …

aandhiyon se jaghad rahi hai lau meri
ab mashaalon si bhad rahi hai lau meri
naamo nishaan rahe na rahe
ye kaaravaan rahe na rahe
ujaale mein pee gaya
roshan huaa jee gaya
kyon sehte rahe
ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy
My ardent desires fight with hurricanes
My ardent desires burn bright like torches
I don't care if I disappear without a trace
I care not if these caravans no longer exist
I soak in the sunlight
I am radiant and alive
Why keep suffering?
I'm face to face with light.

dhuaan chhataa khula gagan mera
nayi dagar naya safar mera
jo ban sake tu hamsafar mera
nazar mila zara
ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy
The fog clears and I can now see my open blue skies
I can see new paths and journeys ahead of me
If you could be my traveling companion
Match your stride with mine…
I'm face to face with light.


calling all bimbos!

2:11 AM
post exam partY!

at my house!
it's girls' night out. or in. hahaha. at my house!
think bimbo movies like bring it on, mean girls, legally blonde (or anything with reese witherspoon inside), white chicks, crossroads.
think sappy, romantic movies - sweet home alabama, sweet november, walk to remember!
think feel good disney movies. little mermaid, anything with a princess. hahaha. lion king. ice age! nemo!!
think doing sparkly nailpolish!
think gossiping about boys *giggles*

before that, shopping.
trying on clothes. expensive clothes that we cannot afford but try for fun to irritate the salespeople. hahaha.
taking photos!! =)


comeone girlies! who's up for it!!


Sunday, April 09, 2006


11:00 AM
a brief conversation with clement online made me realise why it's tough being a minority in singapore. i never actually wondered why it was tough trying to balance between being 'indian' and 'chinese'. from personal experience i know it's effing hard.

this revelation is based on the assumption that people are naturally judgemental.
i know this assumption is valid.

so yes, as a minority, or more specifically, as an indian living in an environment where the ethnic majority is chinese requires some personal adjustment of thoughts, values, habits.

there are already the existing labels: dark skinned, not very bright, fatter than the 'average' (average = skinny = chinese), boring, dances around coconut trees, bollywood whachamacallit, regressive...

then there are the labels given by my community that may or may not matter (i have yet to decide, but chances are that thay DO matter): smart, responsible, intelligent, traditional or the complete opposite, depending on the individual.

clement was saying that he admires those who can find this balance between tradition and modernity. and i asked, are you using me and sham as case studies?


i realise that there is a need to modernize so as to relate to the majority. and to be given some credibility in the eyes of the majority. spurious you say? think about it. say for example i walked around in indian traditional garb like a punjabi suit i think many wouldn't even bother inititaing conversation or taking the friendship to a higher level. it's like just because i'm indian i'm inherently different from everyone else, just because. judgemental? it's true, really.

(okay not that i am dying to wear a punjabi suit and that i wear the clothes i do just for this superficial reason. honestly, give me a bit more credibility)

then there is the need to please my fussy little community. too modern an attitude and i'm looked down upon. staying in hall, how did her mother let her? a bit of cleavage, a bit of stomach exposed - there's disapproval. oh, she's indian, how can she do that? drinking and clubbing? unacceptable.

yes, these are superficial examples but i haven't thought out my argument too well.

my point is that as a minority, i need to find that delicate balance between tradition and modernity such that i'm not looked down upon by either community.

yeayea i shouldn't bother about what others think and do what i want, but doesn't everyone want to be accepted?

this balance is also a personal challenge. i don't want to be a stickler to tradition, and i do want to hold on to it to a certain extent but i do not want to be constrained by it.

i want to break out of traditional stereotypes but at the same time retain some elements of tradition that i feel shape my character.

i'm still trying to find this balance, and myself.
(aaaah how cliche. i hate cliches)

easy right? no sweat. hahaha.


Saturday, April 08, 2006


2:14 PM
introducing the 2 most gorgeous women in the world.
puja hayek and anujalina jolie.

omg they are both effing gorgeoussss. so unfair. well, puja and i look like them so logically, we are gorgeous too! whee.

puja sooo has got salma's eyes. i definitely have angie's lips.
anyone who doesn't agree...i don't realy care. =)
we should be famous.
we deserve to be famous.

[btw told me that i resemble eva longoria AND aishwarya rai. hahahhaa. it soo made my day.]


Friday, April 07, 2006


1:12 AM
this is how pujie studies.

1. switches on laptop.
2. realises that thumbdrive with essay is at home.
3. remembers essay is also in laptop.
4. switches on msn.
5. well. we know what happens next =)
5. bitches about nus students
6. bitches about nus law students
7. gets scared by a chicken wing.
8. squishes some bugs.
9. proudly proclaims that she has completed 450 words.
10. talks on phone.
11. 2 hours later: proclaims she's up to 500 words.
12. breaks something.
13. decides that she's tired.

this is how noojie studies:

1. opens econs text.
2. yawns.
3. reads econs text.
4. doesnt understand, rereads econs text.
5. yawns.
6. drinks coffee.
6. nods off over econs text.
7. decides to sleep, only 10 minutes.
8. wakes up 2 hrs later.
9. swears.
10. gets hungry.
11. blogs.
12. goes to the third floor to find tweetion teecher pearline.
13. doesn't come up for the next 2 hours.

my my aren't we just so productive?


Thursday, April 06, 2006

a levi's virgin no more.

8:52 AM
bought a pair of levi's off km yesterday.

by some miracle, i could actually fit into it.

i shd mention that there was quite a bit of tugging and pulling up involved.
(km has advised me not to wear them if i know that i'll be getting laid. she says the pulling off process is just a bitt unglam)

still, it was amazing that i, anuja the indian hippo, could fit into a pair of jeans that belong to 'i eat a a lot of supper but never seem to grow fat' kingman. hahaha. oh how wonderful.

so what if it's loose for her. hahaa cheap thrill.

oh i am suchhh an easy customer.

and she kept saying how $70 bucks for levi's is a great buy. i kept saying look, i have a HUGE ass.

i think, psycologically, i seem to think that if i wear those jeans, i will, somehow, i don't know how, look like kingman.

(oh btw you shd have seen her yesterday, i think she's effing gorgeous.)

hah. but. that shall be my incentive for dieting and not eating unnecessary supper just cos it's free.

it does look good on me! and i do need a pair of jeans. how can my ONE pathetic pair of jeans compare to the 15 that km has?!? wtf.

okay lose weight lose weight look sexy. hahahaa.



12:36 AM
i think noojie is in dire need of some personal campaigns:

1. say NO to msn!
2. say NO to supper! (or ask for less oil.)
3. afternoon naps not allowed.
4. eat lunch. please.
5. pandora is addictive. and it dulls your brain and causes stuff to grow in your oesophagus.
6. no blog surfing allowed, or at least during election period.

7. be filial to econs
8. have more fruits and vegetables.
9. at least 6 glasses of water a day. not ZERO.
10. at least 6hrs of sleep!
11. love mugging.
12. say YES to a clean room!

bigsigh. discipline, bitch!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

be very afraid.

2:45 PM

had a presentation (fear and democracy in Singapore) for my ultra difficult, difficult to please but oh so nice professor's module a few weeks back. our was the first presentation, so the others had the unfair advantage of learning from our (manymanymany) mistakes. hahaha. if you ask me, we did a GREAT dialogue but our discussion management was just abysmal. hahhaa. we were still pleased with the outcome though, we had such great fun preparing for it, even if it resulted in us staying up in sch till 12 am the day before our presentation and changing our dialogue like 15 min before our presentation. we're proud of our baby!

we worked really well together i think. hahaha. we naturally fell into our roles. i was a bit mad as usual. vic is really good at multimedia stuff (although i suspect that she just wanted to find her bf's pics and drool at them). junwen's english is damn powderful, i was blown away. yiling was the peace keeper. hahahaa. joel - i have your best interests at heart. hahahha. =)

we spent much time eating pizza, slacking, laughing, watching random NS videos, rambling on and on about comms ball, vic's constant bitching about how her nails looked so pretty but eeew she hates nail polish (i wanted to smack her. hello, when your mother volunteers to pay for your manicure and pedicure, who complains? she is strange.) of course, she and i went a bit psycho watching the commissioning parade video. i think our grp had the most fun. hahaha.

of course, the bit about dressing up in army uniforms was hilarious. vic was wearing russell's camo uniform. hahaha and kenny commented, isn't that kinky, wearing your bf's uniform? it's like him wearing your underwear. i was hysterical, that kenny would say such a thing. =) and i last minute borrowed clement's uniform and can you believe it? to my horror his pants were tight for me. i am depresseddd.

but all is not finished yet. sulk. we have to hand in a written dialogue to our prof kenny next tuesday and that is proving to be a HUGE hassle. we wanna incorporate so many things into it that weren't included in the actual presentation. BUT were only allowed 3000 wds (the horror!) and we have no idea how to link everything up. gah. we'll see. this ardous task awaits us. WAIL.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

happy april fools.

5:21 PM
i didnt even realise it was april fools. damn you idiots who fool people. yarrgh. may you get trampled by a herd of stampeding elephants.

i got fooled. not my fault! okay fine, so i AM an airhead. hahaa.

letchmi: man this sucks, i cant wait for them to take my cast off.
nooj: (with concern) wtf? cast? since when what happened?
letchmi: oh i didnt get a chance to tell you, i broke my ankle!
nooj: omfg. (knowing that the ankle has been a perpetual problem). how?
letchmi: oh, i dunno, i misstepped and then i heard a crack, and i was down...
nooj: oh no, pain?
letchmi: okay i feel bad, i'm kidding. i lied, i didn't break anything! april fools!


oh yes, and he insists on a special mention because he taught me how to ensure that my clothes didnt shrink in the dryer. i dont know if it works though so try at your own risk hahhaa. mr i'm-so-interrigent says that if you straighten out your wet clothes before putting them in the dryer, instad of just throwing them in like i do, i will be able to fit into my black capris which are alreay too small for me. hahaha. we'll see how it goes. =)

so yes, applause please. he's solved a pressing world issue that was in need of immediate attention.