nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

hypothetically speaking

12:11 PM
if an economist-serial killer were to hunt me down and put a knife to my throat and threaten me with 'differentiate or die!' i might just die.



Monday, April 28, 2008


1:51 PM
just like how people started doing yoga because it was fashionable to wear tight stretchy things for a good reason and look good, just like how being gay became cool, just like how celebrities decided to start having babies at the same time - the latest fashionis fag breaks.

it's as if there's a non-acceptance of studying. as if it's uncool to study so how about i make up for the apparent nerdyness by going for a fag break? and no, it's not just restricted to the individual. fag breaks require you to canvass the support of every other smoking male or female to go out and participate in the filthy habit with you. even better - if you don't have your own cigarettes (cos you're a cheap indian) but you're addicted and you need those packaged tar sticks, mass smoke breaks are great cos then you can take them off others. and you can rotate who you take them from so no one will find out your sneaky plan (ya right).

and of course, fag breaks are great for gossiping about women, men, yesterday's conquets etc etc. thanks for doing that loudly.

oh but please, find another spot? there's a camera, if you didn't know.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


2:30 PM
in my stats notes:

a stochastic process is a process with a stochastic trend.
if a stochastic process is not stationary, then it is said to be nonstationary.

i don't know, you tell me.


Friday, April 18, 2008

as i ponder my meaningless existence

12:19 AM
it's about a week to exams and i am stressed.

i cannot seem to remember ANYTHING. seriously. my memory has taken a vacation to, um, i can't remember where.

i started wondering why i decided to attempt economics in university. i have concluded that it is to up my marriageable worth.

if i had done engineering, or law, or medicine, i would be considered intruding into a man's world. and no man wants a woman who is smarter than him, right? well, if we restrict this discussion to solely indian men, this is very true. indian men need to feel superior, that they are better than their women so that their egos can be pacified.

so being in a 'man's field' would hence render me unmarriageable. so i'm in arts. but men, at the same time, do not want an arts dum dum as their future wife! they have a reputation to uphold, am i right? they will not want their friends to judge them if they happen to get together with an airhead. that would be a blow to their massive egos.

so the girl has to have a balance of intelligence and stupidity - she cannot be smart enough (i.e as intelligent as the man) but she cannot be stupid either.

so, yes, econs. in arts, it is the most revered major for its toughness and the amount of work it requires. at least in nus la. admit it, you need some brains to attempt the mathematical approach that the uni takes. everyone wants good grades. everyone is smart (but of course not as smart as engineers/lawters/doctors). so relatively speaking, econs is a good major to take to give you the right balance (or equillibrium, as economists would say) because it reflects that you have some amount of intelligence but you aren't that smart that you will intimidate your man.

right? right.

marry me! *giggles and twirls hair, and furiously scribbles econs/math formulas at the same time*


Thursday, April 10, 2008


10:17 PM
you know that it's getting to you when you're listening to the radio to some DJ promoting some event and he says FOC and the first thing that comes to mind is why he is talking about first order conditions?

gah. die micro DIE.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

goodbye gopal

10:21 AM
so after the perfunctory i have landed safely don't worry sms, the next one is can you help me check the score for arsenal vs liverpool yesterday?

eurgh. boys.

all i had to do was yell out the question in the car and i had 4 boys yelling 1-1!

eurgh. boys.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

the economics of marriage

10:02 PM
the economist sense of humour:

do you, principal, take this agent to give you the maximum expected utility possible under your budget constraints and bilateral asymmetric information, through diminishing marginal returns, accepting the risk of adverse selection, tolerating moral hazrd, assuming stable preferences, in a good state and bad, until the long run when you are dead?