nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

qualities of a dancer

11:19 PM
so i was hoping that google would suddenly throw out an essay topic for my 8 page paper which is due very very soon but is unstarted due to various reasons and this is what i found. apparently the natya shastra says this:

According to Abhinayadarpanam, one of the two most authoritative texts on Bharata natyam, a patra must be

  • young,
  • slender,
  • beautiful,
  • large-eyed,
  • with well-rounded breasts,
  • self-confident,
  • witty,
  • pleasing,
  • capable of keeping time (following the rhythm)
  • splendidly dressed
  • of a happy disposition.
The ten disqualifying criteria according to Abhinayadarpanam:
  1. white specks in the apple of the eye
  2. scanty hair
  3. thick lips
  4. pendant breasts
  5. being either very fat or
  6. very thin,
  7. being either very tall or
  8. very short
  9. being hunch-backed
  10. being either voiceless.
hahaahahahahahhaa. isn't that just great? notice they don't have any requirements for men.

this is what i'd like to see for male dancers:

1. sparse chest hair. no forest like body is allowed.
2. no beer belly
3. a 6 pack.
4. a full head of hair, but not too much either. otherwise you might be mistaken for a women.
5. cannot socialise with other men
6. no man boobs
7. some amount of biceps would be good
8. cannot look like a frog

AH the gender bias of this great text!