nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Thursday, November 15, 2007

game theory

1:53 PM
it's everywhere. after a concentrated encounter with game theory (and the professor) over the summer and encountering it in random econ classes everywhere (even anthro classes for that matter, it has now decided to live with me.

doing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, vacuuming the floor, taking out the trash - are all game theoretic scenarios. you know it has to be done, but you don't want to do it. you'd rather someone else do it. then the waiting begins. the dishes are left in the dish washer for someone else to put away, the coffee stain has to be cleaned but by someone else, the kitchen has to be swept but you don't wanna be the one to do it, the dishes pile up in the sink but of course someone else will clean them up.

you wait. until one person breaks.

the floor's been swept, the dishes done, the clean ones put away.
i think i'll vacuum the carpet friday. it's filthy.