nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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songs of sex and lou.
just a ride
this shall remain titleless till further inspiration.
i'm soo not using anymore.
stresss go very far away.
smses with daddy.
be my valentine.
read. reading. readingss.


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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Thursday, March 09, 2006

ow ow oW.

9:25 PM
okay this green bug-insect thing just flew into my room and landed on my laptop. anyone want to say any last words for the poor green bug? *squish* oops, too late.

a few weeks ago a little yellow bug landed on my table. it was rather cute, i must say, and it was happily froliking on my table. unfortunately, i do not like them bugs. [bugs, it's nothing personal] and so *squish* it went and it let out this unbelievably foul smell. like, eeew. i was soo grossed out. -shudders-

right. enough about bugs. =)

everything hurts!! my back, my legs, my butt. my butt especially. thursday morning, when i wasn't yet recovered from a painful dance rehearsal, dr loon decides that we shall all do some simple ballroom dancing during theatre studies prac. haha. i was like oh-so-ow-fun. it was fun lar, suddenly i feel like joining some ballroom dancing thing and learning salsa, rhumba, waltz, tango and then i can shake it like those professionals on tv.

at night had another rehearsal. for some reason my brain blanked out towards the end of the varnam, and i started doing the end without completing the last sahityam. i got blasted. sigh.

varattum swami was a joke. as usual. seems i look murderous instead of angry. maybe they should invent a new category of nayakis especially for me. the ninth one will be anujarika, one whose lover cheated on her and so she killed him. hahaha. i can't get sarcasm, i just get over angry or pathetically sad that he cheats on me. siigh. lavi said it was cute. it's not supposed to be frealing cute! i just get really angry at cheating bastards, is that my fault! =)

after that it was downhill. thillana was fuck my knee hurts i want water when is this going to finish. yeap. he was quite unhappy, said we would work on some items in class on thursday morning. he ends rehearsal at 11.30 pm and wants to me come for class the next day at 9 am? -faints- i could barely get up in the morning. oh well.

i'm trying to remember why i wrote 'Switzerland' on a piece of paper that is pinned to my board.