nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

previous posts

far from geek
i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g
did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Saturday, January 31, 2009

while driving

4:34 PM
i crash into unsuspecting people and walk into pillars and poles. i don't watch out for cars when i'm crossing the road. and i'm jumping up and down yelling give me that damn license you bastards!

this is what goes through my head during driving practicals -

signal check blindspot don't do a wide turning that's 2 points return change back to the left lane! don't go over 70 oh crap obstruction must change lane ah crap motorbike oh why can't the stupid fucker in manual car go above 20 km/h? stop at the stop line immediate failure shit yellow box u turn? die. keep right. why can't people be normal and use pedestrian crossings auntie don't run across the road like that ah pizza hut guy! don't go above 50km/h brake for the hump check your mirrors check your mirrors again oh keep checking the damn mirrors oh fuck pedestrian at zebra crossing sorry auntie. everything also immediate failure why? don't stop in zebra crossing. turn right not left get your directions right! take the right turning at the chinese temple not at the one afterwards if you get your test route wrong immediate failure test route 6 and 8 change lane early DON'T MOUNT KERB kena fail. hit kerb nehmind only 4 points.

anuja. will. pass.


Monday, January 26, 2009

i don't usually blog about such things

11:24 AM
med students and arts dum dums never get lucky. and i mean that in the damn you timetable clashes sense. last year during my exams he was relatively free, and now during his exam prep i am relatively free. drats. the only dates i have start with 'where shall we study today?' so sad, no? and when he's frolicking away in NZ (i want to do the milford sound trek, damn youuu) i'll be struggling with FYP and my final semester in NUS.

i've begun to see the joy in stolen moments of quick dinners and laughing over nothing and everything. happy birthday love, and let's hope chinese new year brings good luck to our schedules in the future (:


Saturday, January 24, 2009

anger is not really a bad thing

10:30 PM
if you channel it to the right places. i, for instance, channel it into cleaning - i've cleaned my room. not majorly, but it's something i'd been putting off (amongst other things, like readings and serious ISM research but i started today! so that makes today the start of manymany things but i digress). my table, which i am supposedly to use for studying had piles of paper covering it so i was using that as an excuse for not being able to study at home. so i thought since i am angry, i might as well clean. now my room is relatively dust free, and the guilty laptop cable that poor granma tripped over is out of harm's way in my room so i can type essays AND do readings. and since i miss my KR room and hall and the people and most of all the freedom so much, i rearranged my furniture so that it'd resemble the hall fengshui so i can trick my brain every morning that when i wake up and trudge to the bathroom i'm going to see lishi typing out a lab report that was due 12 hours ago (: honeslty, i moved things around so the room would be neater - it was like playing tetris haha.

i am so prepared i actually armed myself with mortein to defend myself from attacking crazy cockroaches that might have nested in dark and dodgy corners of my room but thankfully there were none YAY. all my midnight snacking thank goodness didn't attract any friends (:

now i can legitimately hole myself up in my room, play loud unpleasant music and be anti social. i am going to be a REAL teenager!

so i had the most teenage conversation with my mother today. after she hung up on me twice (i now suspect she didn't know how to use the phone) we have a yelling match. it was great.

she: the next time you go for dinner with H's family you must tell me!
me: but i did! so what was the problem?
she: you don't tell me 10 minutes before!
me: i only find out 10 minutes before!
she: i am your mother you need to tell me things! i even found out about H from someone else!
(what does THAT have to do with ANYTHING?)
me: but i told you i wasn't in for dinner so what's the problem?
she: if you're going with the family you must tell me! it's different if you are having dinner in school!
(how many things wrong do you see in this logic? oh, the flaws. firstly, shouldn't it give her less psychobabble if i was with others? in school i could easily be doing dodgy things - which i am NOT - and over dinner i have to behave. which is the parents' preferred scenario you tell me? xiao)
me: why is it different? rationalise it for me.
(doing behavioural readings can really screw up your head, i tell you, when every other word is 'rational')
she: don't talk like your father.
(rule number 1 of parenting: never put down your spouse in front of the kids)
me: i need to understand, ma. if i don't understand i won't listen to you.
she: i am your mother! you listen to me!
me: why did you hang up on me?
she: i was in shock! you suddenly say you are going for dinner!
(i am confused. ok people need to eat. in shock? i didn't tell her that i missed my period, or that i have an STD or that i'm lesbian. AND only the third claim is remotely believable)

now i know why i'm so full of psychobabble. or why i am whacked, cuckoo, deranged, whatever. apparently in runs in the family wheeee. THIS is why i shouldn't have kids. yes? yes.


Monday, January 12, 2009

beautiful disaster

10:09 PM
i suck. i'll never get an interview right. at this rate, even if i get a job, i'll be blinking like a brainless bimbo.

at least i can still aliiterate. that's a consolation.

i don't think i am good at anything anymore. i hope tmr's meeting doesn't actually reveal what a dingbat i am.

and i've become SUCH a social recluse that i forget close friend's birthdays and i don't get invited to birthday parties, and don't ask me which direction the causation is :(

i've fucocked it up.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009


6:39 PM
i've been on too many flights this december and i think budget airway planes give me a backache. i cannot sleep in the sitting-in-a-chair position (unless i'm in lecture) so i curl up in all these dubious positions that result in unsuspecting kicks to the persons next to me. there was this hairy yindian guy next to me on the way back - my first thought was ashley cos of that vast amount of hair (= and he looked very miserable, to be seperated from his mother, i think.

i usually enjoy stays in india, but this time i just wanted to leave.

i think it was ironic that i begun reading shantaram on the way there. i started chapter 1 as the plane was taking off, with a smug attitude, that oh i've been there many times, i understand and appreciate the country but i'm still distant enough (being in singapore) not to be sucked into the system so i'm technically a foreigner but nor am i a native but i'm still culturally aware and somewhat experienced at the ways of india, giggling to myself at the foreigner perspective of certain expressions about india i take for granted as i started the 930 page book.

so there was i was, comfortable as i could be on a budget tiny seat, nestled with a massive book full of words about india, when the woman next to me asks me in as much english as she knows to fill up her immigration card for her. my first thought was, why can't she ask her husband who was right next to her? then i realised, that i'll always be a foreigner. i'll always impose my standards on india, that i'll never be able to surrender into the atmosphere like the protagonist in shantaram. but nor will i completely be able to be a tourist and impose my own occidental preconceived notions of what i think exotic india should be like. after that humble request from a woman who never had the chance for an english education, who probably wouldn't have a chance in the future to read a book about her own country written by a foreigner, i started seeing things from not an indian perspective. which was completely destabilising.

it began to irritate me that no one listened to one another. everyone had their opinions, and everyone's opinions were right. each individual is a politician, a doctor, whatever they decided they were an expert on. decisions took forever to make, and at the end nobody followed them. it annoyed me that talking to people was pointless cos nobody listened to anyone's voice but their own. i just shut up when my mother begun voicing my likes and dislikes and thoughts and decisions, as if she knew them all. the obvious manifestation of religiosity got on my nerves - a temple in every street corner and a prayer on every auto suddenly seemed overbearing. i judged people skipping work to go on pilgrimages. it went against every bit of the singaporean in me.

the patriarchy pissed me off. but i shall not start =)

the country is confused. it's as if its fighting to give itself an identity that results in a conflicting mess of ideals. it's stuck, culturally. it's as if there is an attempt to reclaim a certain 'indianness' (which is, of course, arguable) while embracing a capitalist, american identity. malls are springing up in unlikely places, and the contrast with the mall's surroundings is just painful. the malls also boast a permanent soundtrack of hit me baby one more time, i want it that way, and the vengaboys. it's a hip and cool place for youth (anyone who can squeeze into a pair of bell bottoms) to hang out and take pictures while wearing new clothes and sightadichify (according to my mother) and eat hot dogs and other various types of fast food. these youth wear 'western' clothes - too big checkered shirts and very flared bell bottoms, shades and a cocky swagger and too clean platform sport shoes - because that's kool. it disturbs me. it's the look of too many years ago.

at the same time, there are these beautiful contemporary designs for clothes, which are a delightful mix of old and new, tradition and fashion. it's another kind of identity that has been manufactured - but this identity is for export, not for local use. funny. so there's an exported identity of india to the west, and there's an imported identity into india, of the west. they don't coincide.

i don't think i could live there for an extended period of time. i need to drink water from the tap. (:


Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new year!

5:12 PM
it's been 17 hours into the new year and no longer do i feel a sense of excitement during the countdown. it's become oh-kay, one more year, one year older, more responsibilities, one more semester, somebody employ me NOW, whatthefuckamidoingwithmylife and not oh YAY it's the new year!

i know what indians do on the 1st day of the new year - stock up on groceries. i say this because i bumped into enough people (that i know) in mustafa today buying a lorryload of groceries with the father (who mocks my inability to find tissues by patronisingly asking me is this what you couldn't find? these are tissues right?) after buying cartons of milk, bottles of juice and a trolley full of veggies and fruits he is now convinced that the house was in a state of starvation after they left for india.

i just get this sense that 2009 is going to be pragmatic, even more than usual.