nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


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yunwen (:



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Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it's not like i didn't try

10:28 AM
to be an economist. but i am failing miserably at being one. i try okay! i tell myself be brave and attempt 2 ISMs and things you are not good at. i tell myself statistics is important if you work hard enough at it i am sure you can scrape B plus. i tell myself attempt economics based public policy modules. and then what happens? supervisors say no, LKY gives me timetable clashes etc etc and what am i doing now?

singapore english language theatre and indian religious texts.

i really hope i can graduate on time. all hail unrestricted electives.

update: i really don't know why i plan so much when in the end my plans never work out =( planning is bad okay children!

my next semester sees me doing 4 level 4000 economics modules. how did that happen howhowHOW you tell me and i don't even know what one of them is about apparently it is up to the lecturer. i just hope that it isn't some micro economic modelling thing and then i will DIE. i checked up the prof online and apparently that is what he is good at. why are people with yale phDs good at what i am bad at!

my semester is doooomed. goodbye, world.

anuja varaprasad
lovingly, slowly, excruciatingly painfully strangled to death by economics (with which she had an unstable but somewhat romantic relationship with)
may she find equillibrium.


Monday, July 28, 2008

naughty nine year olds.

12:30 PM
every generation has its bastardized version of innocent songs. remember barney? apparently the purple dinosaur is still alive and scaring kids.

i heard this from a nine year old recently:

barney is a dinosaur from our imagination
stick a pretzel up his bum and watch his constipation



Thursday, July 24, 2008

today i am an indian man

2:05 PM
so today the boy cooked lunch for me today. i know right, so sweet! a somewhat italian version of mangga pachidi and sambar hahah. his mum now thinks i have reduced him to a woman.

i must say, awesome lunch. (:

anyway, since yindian boys have this expectation that women were born to cook for men, today i became an indian man.

but since i am an indian man i shall appear ungrateful, burp loudly, rub my belly, scratch my crotch, pull my pants over my beer belly, not help with the cleaning up, drink beer and watch soccer.

but seriously, thank you. i know after this everyone will want you, but you're mine okay not anjali's.


Friday, July 18, 2008

inspired by george micheal.

10:40 AM
faith. it's irrational. there's a reason why it's called belief without question. there's no basis for it - regardless of whether your faith is based on experience or just plain belief, there is no logical reason to believe. faith isn't restricted to religion, and since there's no religion superior to another, there's no distinction between the faith of one and another.

i'm not saying this with any one person in mind (really! usually people say this when they have one person in mind), but sometimes your faith is strengthened when you're around people whose faith is stronger than yours. and you think, she's going to be okay, and so am i.


Monday, July 14, 2008

reasons not to have kids.

11:45 AM
vahini is pregnant! i was in denial until i saw her yesterday and i couldn't believe it! i repeated a million times and i was like omg baby. and then i forgot and i did it all over again. you know vahini is pregnant? she's going to become a mother aaargh.

according to the dance teacher, he says that we all should follow her example. after graduating (with a marriageable degree) we should all get married and get pregnent immediately. that is what the proper woman should do. riiiiight. no.

i thought about. as an economist i did a cost benefit analysis and i decided there are many reasins why i shouldn't and won't have a kid.

1. pregnant women aren't allowed to drink coffee. apparently even after givng birth coffee is a nono. which means for the 9 months i will be asleep and once the kid is born i will be asleep. i will be a bad mother cos a sleeping mother is a bad mother.

2. i will think that folds of baby fat are fat and be convinced that it will turn into augustus gloop if i don't intervene and hence once the kid is able to crawl i will make it exercise so it will lose weight. my baby will be sexy. right.

3. i might forget that i have one. cos, you know, i have a very short attention span. i'm supposed to be at work now but i'm blog- oh look muffin!

4. i might give it to the mustafa dude in exchange for a number tag when i go shopping at mustafa. i might also forget to pick it up. going along the same lines, everytime i take an umbrella out of the house it never comes back and if i take the baby out it mightnot come back.

5. i fall sick SO easily and i's rather not the potential brat pass me any germs.

6. i like baby food. heinz, nestum, whatever. i might eat it all and forget about feeding the kid. and that's not a good thing. it might be good for number 2 (above) but number 2 is highly questionable.

7. in friends, joey tells rachel that her fingers will swell and never go down after pregnancy. i am gullible and will believe anything.

8. brazillian waxing is a 9 on the pain scale. labour is a 10. i know what a 9 feels like, seriously i'm not going to try a 10.

9. i am special. i need help. i don't think i should be trusted with a baby.

SEE. vahini, i am SO proud of you. =)


Monday, July 07, 2008

the reason why turtles are dying

12:02 PM
yesterday i was at cold storage and there was this Old Aunty lining up in front of me. her huge trolley was filled with things in plastic bags and i thought to myself, wow this Old Aunty must be so healthy since by logical conclusion things in plastic bags (the kind you pull off the roll and then try to open by rubbing but you end up rubbing the wrong side and you make a fool of your self while the person behind you who has been eyeing the capsicums standing behind you clears her throat then rolls her eyes plastic bags) are usually loose pay by kg fruits and vegetables. right?


this Strange Old Aunty had put everything she bought in those plastic bags. some even in double plastic bags. the meat she had bought has already been wrapped but she had put 2 more over it. her already packaged kailan had it's own plastic prison. the cashier Not So Old and Strange Aunty had to remove the platic bag insulation before beeping them and then out it back again.

and when paying (finally!) Strange Old Aunty requested for more NTUC bags over the stuff she already had and asked three times for more plastic bags and Not So Old and Strange Aunty essentially threw it at her! i swear SOA goes to cold storage to hoard plastic bags.

i tell you, this is the reason that too much plastic gets disposed into lakes and seas and chokes turtles (i know it's far fetched but i bet there's a logical conclusion. i should do PR cos i am good at exaggerating and over dramatising haha.

these Plastic Bag Hoarders! they are a menace! and they are dubious. what do they do with so many plastic bags! why do they need so many plastic bags! some soci student hurry up and do a study. i want to know. i neeeed to know.