nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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far from geek
i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g
did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Saturday, June 30, 2007

how to waste time and get entertained.

3:53 AM

oh chris rock is so funny.

but; disclaimer. before this piece of crude comedy gets over analysed and interpreted on many many different levels, let me just say that this is all in the name of JEST. it's FUNNY. put your brain aside and watch it and stop digging for any possible connections. because there are none. capiche?

after this, don't blame me if you go on a chris rock youtubing spree. watch the one on strippers. it's fucking funny.



12:11 AM
i may be twenTy one, but i'm not twenNyone.

i feel rather proud of myself because i did (most) of my game theory assignment on my own! i'd like to thank in the process taylor and greek god lookalike and N who helped me through it but i'm happy that i forced my brain to think at 3 am in the morning, which in usual situations i would have given up and said fuck it i don't need an A. funny, here it isn't about the grades, it's about my effort.

so i rewarded myself with DH S3E14. poor mike! poor poor thing. :(

it was also memorable singing inane songs with N, sometimes with an indian accent and sometimes not, which made L wonder if we all really had had that conversation abt religion, politics, evil and morality 6 hours earlier.

yes, from intellectuals to infants. wooo.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


10:39 AM
huang i don't feel like writing my essay.
i think they should give us credits for facebooking.

i know. i actually think that if they really give us 1 credit for every 5 times we facebook, we would have graduated by now

first class. with honours.

SIGH. this has GOT to stop.


Monday, June 25, 2007

new haven

9:45 PM
seen on a t-shirt:

new haven
i heard smart people live their.

who lives there?

right, and i'm from what uni doing summer school where? doesn't look like it's helped much hahha. (:(:


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

dinner talk

9:01 AM
W: you're so lovable you know, i like you very much.

me: oh my goodness that is so sweet of you, you made my day!

W: oh no, maybe i shouldn't have said that. i sound les.

me: hahah oh it's okay. i may have tendencies but i promise i won't hit on you.

W: WHY NOT!?!? do you not find me attractive enough?

me: speechless

W is a sweet, quiet, studious AWESOME chinese girl, btw.


Monday, June 18, 2007


1:17 PM
that's the american favourite word. if you speak american, you have to say awesome in every sentence. my counsellor uses it far too often for his own good. i can just imagine:

he: hey! how's everything?
me: i'm dying, my lungs are full of phlegm, my nose refuses to stop leaking and it is peeling from all that blowing (my nose! what were you thinking?) and i think i might not live to the end of summer session.*
he: awesome!
*that is an exaggeration. i am getting much better. (:

i have a midterm tmr and i spent the night attempting to play pool with neha, who, by the way, is worse than when viknes first started. and that's BAD. the game was full of free balls. haha.

i am beginning to get homesick. i'm having very strange dreams about singapore and home and clement. clement i do NOT know why i am dreaming of you but obviously we have a karmic connection. which is why, i think, you have decided that 'if u are such a good friend, u might want to ask if i can work on a soci phd program, leveraging on the SEA progam at yale'. yes of course. if i find the soci department is this massive campus hahah.

my floormate is the sweetest. we tried to shoot her with a banana and she fell for it twice (and i 766318625 times) and she's all excited about chinese food that we are treating ourselves to tomorrow. we deserve it!

sorry guys, i know i promised to keep in touch, i AM alive! it's midterm time! already! and i must start on that research paper like soon. i don't mean to ignore you! and thank you to all the darlings that have written consistently. i do miss your emails and i have so many picturess i don't know when to put them up :(

and i have been trying to look for accomadation at UCF (UC Farmland) and messaging random people on facebook if they will sublet their room to me. at this rate i might as well sleep in the cow shed. i hope betsy doesn't mind.

i should sleep. game theory tmr. tmr morning must cram! awesome!


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

the most expensive lan cable ever bought.

11:28 PM
yesterday i bought a lan cable for 7.48 USD. multiply that by 1.6 to calculate the cost in S$.

its oh SO painful.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

it's a bird! it's a plane! no! it's yale!

11:01 AM
maybe they should make a movie about me. just like they had reese witherspoon doing an elle woods in legally blone - a bimbo proving to be quite a success in none other than harvard (or hahvad as the bostonians call it) i could be the indian bimbo who had more curls/boobs/nose/leg hair than brains but someone flirted her way through a yale summer programme.

ya right.

argh reality hits. the travels are finally over, the reason as to why i am actually in the states had arrived.

oh i don't want the fun to end! i want to go from place to place and travel and have fun. but no. in 2 days, i will have to study. my brain feels like it's full of candy floss. i feel inadequate, as if i was expected to do prep for my courses but haven't. do i? fuck i hope not. i have a few books to read. i haven't even bought them. lynette tell me you haven't either. YARGH.

gear up noojie, it's going to be a gruelling month. lessons 3 times a week. one NUS semester packed into a month. 2 courses. midterms. projects. essays. assignments. exams.

iduwan! :(


Saturday, June 02, 2007

omg there's another.

10:25 AM


anjadi penguins.

10:24 AM

happy feet will never be the same again.


Friday, June 01, 2007

words of wisom from a 12 to a 21 year old.

10:36 AM
'boys are bad. i like to kick them in the shins. it's fun.'

'you shouldn't wear make up. make up is bad. it's also bad for your skin. i won't even wear make up when i'm in high school.'

'i don't want to go to MIT, or princeton or wherever. just harvard. that's cos that's where legally blond was filmed.'

'you're so short your feet don't even touch the floor when you swing.'

you snore!
'you're short!'

'whenever my sister comes home, she stays up late watching six and the city. i know! i don't want to say that word.'

'you want to listento celine dion?'
i listened to her when i was 12.
'well, i am 12.'

'i can't believe you're 21.'