nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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far from geek
i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g
did you know
do you realise
how to feel better
he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines.


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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Friday, June 30, 2006


6:20 PM
i was watching Hi5 today on tv (yes i like i them, they're cute and pink) and today 3 monkey's decided to surprise their monkey friend as it was her birthday (the birthday monkey incidentally was played by my favourite kathleen the ohsocute one) and they gave her a banana cake. which was actually a few candles stuck into a rather large banana.

so this is how my birthday was celebrated, minus the rather large banana cake. =)

i have genius friends. hahaha. halima you is genius.

and welcome back vish! i have missed you! xx

and my best birthday present ever: read the scribblings of TheOlderSister. i love you sister darrling.

happy birthday to meeee.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

house arrest

11:39 PM
i am now officially under house arrest.

oh just the thought of it depresses me. now i am only allowed to go to places which my parents permit me to go to. for instance, my mum insists that i go for a facial so i will look bright and radiant on sunday so i am allowed to venture out to serangoon road. i don't really see how a facial will make me look bright and radiant under 1345 layers of pancake.

great. now i have to cancel lunch plans and dinner plans. now it's going to look like i am abandoning people. how nice of me.

it seems that if i dare to venture outside to places not permitted by my prison guards, there are these evil weevil germs and flu viruses waiting to ambush me when i turn the corner. oh i don't get it.

i feel like bubble boy. ive been prevented from going outside. they say i should find other forms of entertainment. seriously, stayong in this house will lead to extensive mental damage. and no more late nights. the ultimate: no meals outside. the evil weevil germies are also hiding in food and are waiting to use my body as a playground and jump around according to them.

mygod. rightt.

byebye life! =) it was nice knowing you while you lasted. see you soon i hope!

crap, suddenly not looking forward to birthday either, when i can predict that i'll either be staring at my laptop, or at my tv.



Wednesday, June 21, 2006

losing it.

7:18 PM
i think i am losing it.

today is the 21st of june. in a few days, the mridangist will come down. then i will have rehearsals with the singer. and then with all the musicians. and then before i know it i will be prancing on stage. 9days9days9moredays.

and before i know it, it will be all over.

the realisation hasn't struck me yet.

when i walk by board with the fine arts poster on it, i think, wow what a nice poster! i wonder who's doing her arangetram.

then i realise, it's me.

and then boss was talking to some of the 4th year students, and i wasn't really listening to the conversation until i heard she's doing arangetram and i turned and said who's doing arangetram so exciting!

turns out it was me.
right. not that exciting after all eh.

all i need is focus. focus you little bitch!

i guess if i can focus in class when boss puts his hand on his wife's thigh when i'm dancing and i notice and can actually keep dancing without making mistakes...maybe i'm almost there.

oh but i am so traumatised. no PDA in dance class pleeese. hahaha. but they are SO sweet.

and i hate it when people i see in fine arts after 3 hours of dancing, all sweaty and gross, and the only thing they ask is oh so you're preparing for the arangetram now eh? like duh! i shd say, oh no! i'm breeding mosquitos in the toilet and in the drains, not like they aren't enough mozzies buzzing arnd the damn place. if that damn place gives me dengue i will burn the building down i swear.

both knees killing me. left ankle pain! sigh i don't even remember how i injured it. and a cough has been annoying me for a while now. pffft. hope it doesn't get worse.

and i think i'm subconsciously getting more and more nervous. i've been eating lots. ate lunch at 3 and then dinner at 6. and now i'm craving for chocolate ice cream. oh i am a PIG. say hellooo to my fat fat cheeeks. *toing toing* and stomach. whee. fatness.

I WANT BEN AND JERRY'S. feeed mee.


Thursday, June 15, 2006


5:44 PM
wow have been hearing wonderful news. and i am how happy.

well done pujie! for graduating with excellent results. second upper or something. now she can be a hotshot lawyer and earn lotsss and then treat me. =) woohooO! after all that whining and stress and worry and whatnot, you did it! so proud of you! hahah amma has been telling everybody how wonderful you did so youre no longer ostracised (it's my turn now so when you come back all will be fine =)) come back soooon. i is missing you.

pujie rules, noojie grooves!

and jivanaah susel dayalan! i am never listening to you and sympathising ever again. after all your 'shit i can't do this yadda yadda bish bang' you got best student for 5th year! *does a little dance* i swear i was so happy for you when boss told me i insisted that he call you and tell you. hahah. your hard work paid off! shows that you can study, prepare for kalashatvam and another 2 hr performance, and mug for dance exam at the same time.

now if i hear how you're gg to screw up your A levels i'm not going to believe you. and jeeves give me moral support. 15 days left!!

and yippeee. thanks tabby! for enlightening me abt nus matters. without you i'd be completely lost and probably wouldn't even realise it when term started. happy news! i'm on the dean's list for the 2nd semester! hahah and i thought that would have been such an impossible goal so i didn't even bother to attempt. just tried my best, studied and suddenly the dean loves me! (along with a lot of other people of course but still the fact that he loves ME. hmPh) the other expected pple on his list of favourites: tan teck yong, shamima, clement! hahah genuissss they are. i is not genius, but i slept with the dean and don't tell anyone okay? ssssh.

happy birthday my uyya! hahah. yay you liked the present. and you need a manjan name now that you've manjanfied yourself. try not to keep flipping the hair okay? and don't stare into too many mirrors, they may crack with an overexposure to vasu. hahah. but nvm, you very the chio now. xx i will miss you when you go off!

oh happiness! -biggrin-


Wednesday, June 14, 2006


10:20 AM
horoscope for cancer:

"when in doubt choose the simplest and easiest solution. it is so easy to get caught up in a drama spiral about a situation that actually has arrived with its own solution. you just need a moment to be able to see it."

(courtesy of the BFF)

woah. and that actually made sense in an extremely disturbing way. hahah. 'drama' is SO the right word, and i did 'need a moment (and an enlightening phone conversation) to be able to see it'. haahah. life is hilarious.

oh yes, this world cup is a disease. and i'm actually beginning to get sorta interested in the whole kicking-the-ball-around game.

maybe cos someone told me the germans and the italians are a good looking bunch. *giggle* now you know what matches i will actually watch. =)

and i feel really bad cos no one bothered to support croatia. hahhaa. so sad right? the poor things. can you imagine playing soccer when you know that everyone's rooting for the other team? isn't that just demoraling? maybe croatia never wins cos they have no inspiration to play cos no one likes them. oh whatever.

maybe by the end of this madness i will actually be sitiing down voluntarily and watching a few matches and yelling random profanity at the tv as if it'd really make a difference to their playing. hahah.


Monday, June 12, 2006

those 3 little words.

3:11 PM
those three little words.

they mean A LOT. they're precious.

especially if it's that person who says it to you.

i think i've been waiting agesss to hear these words. these past few months have been...tough.

he never tells me anything. sigh. so when i hear those long awaited words, my joy is boundless. even a small statement can mean so much.

and today, he said it.

'anuja, intha item paravayillai*'

yippeee! he made my day hahah.

*for those non indian twits (ie jacinth hahah) out there, a translation would help yes? it means (in english, it's more than 3 words) 'this item is not bad', which is a great compliment from my dance teacher cos he rarely says anything nice. hahaha.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

impulse cd buys!

5:01 PM
whee. i love it when money is well spent. =) esp when it's on impulse cd buys. hahaah.

i bought CORRINE BAILEY RAE! no, not just cos her name's got bailey in it. this cd is a winner. i heard a bit of 'put your records on' on the tv advert and it attracted me so much that when i saw it for 18.90 i thought thiss i gotta buy and i bought it yay! i love it. it's so chill, so mellow, so peaceful. juts puts a smile on my face. and 'put your records on' is such a sweet happy song. i like. =)
i like it so much that i insist that everyone read this feelgoodsong's lyrics.

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same.
Oh, don't you hesitate.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely,
Sipping tea in the bar by the road side,
(just relax, just relax)
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Gotta love that afro hairdo.

Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?

girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer.
Do what you want to.

nice right? haha. anyway, then i bought...

wooo i am in love with the pcd. vishnu says im too fat to be a pussy cat doll. i would like to be a pussy cat doll, but at the same time i wouldn't like to be pussy cat doll. haha know what i mean? hmmm. but these girls can DANCE. ohmygod. i'm enthralled. and they are stick thin. but only nicole can make it. the rest have too much of a 'come hither' face. the songs are quite nice you know, not counting their standard hits - buttons, stickwitu, beep and sway - all the other songs have a nice bouncy bouncy feel. =) another winner! wooo.

shakira's hips don't lie shall be forgotten for the time being. haha.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006


11:30 AM
my mother

has a

PhD in Parenting
and a
Masters in Bharathanatyam

thank god for that eh.


Saturday, June 03, 2006


1:53 PM
i've been told to take this down.
it seems to be a bad influence on my morale according to many.
and they're right. hahah.
thanks to all those who listened =) sweethearts.



2nd july
can't remember what time i think 7.00
drama centre victoria street

please do come all of you. hahaa.
it's free and girls in saris are *whistles*
a shamless bit of self promotion here.
oh and wear pink. hahaha.



10:27 AM
i tell you, i think my dad is really happy that mayura and hamsa are staying over. those 2 are a joy to have around the house. he says it brings back memories of puj and me running around the house. haaha. i love these 2 kids and i don't want them to leave! -waiL-

i told my dad, don't they feel like your grandkids? and that since he's probably not going to get grandkids, he should treasure the time that they are staying with us. why isn't he going to get grandchildren?

well, cos puja's never going to get married and even if she does she's going to freeze her kids. i doubt frozen kids are any fun to play with. and as for me, sadly, pathetically, no one is going to want to marry me so i have given up. hahaha i shouldn't give them false hope, yes? =)

anyway i am depressed.
i am depressed, no not because no one is going to want to marry me (that's still tragic though!), but because the 2 people i expected who would stand by me through this whole arangetram thing, well, aren't really there. i guess they've got other priorities. like themselves. and whatnot.

i guess i really shouldn't expect at all. or if i was to have expected something, it would have to be that i can't expect them to do what i expect. hahaah.

i feel like saying, hey thanks for asking but it isn't going too well, i'm fucking up in class and i have a month more and somehow i don't think that even i if practice everyday i'll never reach the performance level. sigh. i could go on, but the people who i'd like to talk to just, well, aren't there.

depressed people should not read sylvia plath. haha. who by the way, is my new favourite author. so what if she only has one novel? hahaha. the belljar is effing fantastic. she writes the stuff that you wouldn't even want to admit to yourself. and her words have this amazing truth to them. i like her. even though she stuck her head in the oven and killed herself. i can't put the book down.

so i shall go read more sylvia and further drepress myself. =)