nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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anuja is all alone in hall.
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WE WON! (second.)
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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Friday, February 03, 2006


8:11 PM
-bigsigh- this whole dancing for abdul has honestly taken up much of my time. the only thing i gained was weight, due to the excessive vadias and samosas and whatnot that we kept eating throughout the rehearsals and on the performance day itself. hahhaa. got a nice round tummy to show for it. =( not good. especially after that delicious dinner at marche's - silly dhruti you should have just come! but nevertheless we had fun! yippee. shopping, eating, bitching. typical girls we are.

i've been thinking about it. fine arts music fest on the 27th of feb. mid terms during that time as well. and then, a long term paper for my ss module due on the 24th. i can't do so many things, can i? it's quite obvious to me that if i don't fuck up one, i'll surely fuck up the other. OR both. like my 7th year exam. i didn't get a decent grade for my dance exam, nor did i do remotely well for my jc exams. i don't think i'll have time to practice for dance...there's a month more, and i have 2 more items to learn and i'm only managing once a week classes. if i spend everyday of my mid sem break practising, i doubt i'll do a good job. there's no way i can pull off 3-4 new items on such short notice. if only the abdul kalaam dance thing hadn't come up, i could have used the few days of holiday to practice dance seriously, but nooo. sigh. and then there's midterms. gotta study for them, not like last sem..where i soo didn't study and therefore i did not so goodly. cannot do the same thing again. cannottt. and i've realised that mid sems are actually important. sigh. i'm not willing to risk screwing up my exams.

besides, i think i should save the knee for the arangetram. the music fest isn't that important. told amma in dec that i didn't want to dance but she insisted - got on my nerves, really. i said i just want to give them a break and then use them for the arangetram but she's like no just dance. sigh. she thinks it's a simple 4 item performance. seow ah she. and then when i said, 7 items...she was quite surprised. you think?? it's a 1 1/2 hr program woman. anyway she said 'up to you' and ive decided, i can always do music fest next big loss. and i don't want to repeat the dec items in feb, how boring is that. might as well learn new stuff and dance next year right?

and instead of wasting time learning new items for the music fest i should just concentrate for the arangetram, right? sigh. instinct told me that i wouldn't be dancing for the music fest. somehow i just have a really really really bad feeling that something horribly bad is going to happen before the arangetram (touch wood) and that won't happen either! i shall stop talking about it; since the mosr i talk about something, the less likely it happens.

now gotta do the difficult job of caling bala boss up and explaining to him why i can't do this. good luck to meee.