theyoungersister previous posts far from geek i told myself not to blog about dr*v**g did you know midsem sexymen do you realise how to feel better he loves me, he loves me not. happy valentines. twilight past December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 links ashley! jingaling nini theOlderSister yunwen (: PostSecret
Shouts Credits Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: Kristi |
Sunday, February 26, 2006 this shall remain titleless till further inspiration. 5:10 PM i took a whole freaking day to come up with an introduction! my god, i don't know how all those 'i started on 12 midnight on thursday and stayed up all night till 9 am' cases can do it. well, i must say that they are VERY well prepared for the 24 hourtake home on D day - the 21st of April. oh kenny, please don't give us a horrible question! or give me more than 24 hours!! hahaa. SIGH. and that's just the damn intro. the rest of the essay came paragraph by paragraph, put together slowly, piece by piece over the next three or four days. after painstakingly forming a thesis statement, and then undergoing a bout of panic after i realised that it did not encompass all my points, and then eating a lot to get over my panic, coming up with a new thesis, and changing it yet AGAIN...i finally finished, and handed it up. such relief. i swear, the moment i handed in the essay, i forgot completely what i wrote. i realise, coming up with a thesis is like coming up with a title for a blog entry. (okay, very bad and weird comparision). the title sort of materialises once you're done typing the entry, just like the thesis forms once you're done typing the essay. although, that shouldn't be the case, says my mother the english teacher. the thesis is supposed to give your essay focus and direction, so youre supposed to know it before you start writing the essay, because you're supposed to plan your essay sooo well that you know what you're going to be writing, but that isn't the case for most of us struggling students. haha we are such cheaters. anyway so that's over. but typically, just as one hurdle is crossed, another appears. how not to stress? stress. go through micro econs key points - start on macro - do macro mid term practice paper - do karl marx readings - IVLE postings!!! - rewrite bits of krx script - memorise krx script - go for drama rehearsals - do theatre studies readings - mug TS stuff for surprise quiz which is a surprise - research for dialogue project - go for project meteings - look through varnam - practice dance at home - go for dance class all happy and smiley even though i have 1001 other things to do - music fest rehearsals from 9 to 11pm - go for bombay jayashree's concert - watch army daze, the play - watch flamenco - watch alarmel valli's dance - learn arangetram items - remember new thillana- perform on the 11th - act on the 16th and 18th - breathe - sleep. worries. that he can't finish teaching me my arangetram items on time - that i can't learn so many items in such a short time - that i'll dance horribly on the 11th - that i'll forget all my steps - that my knees will collapse and i won't be able to dance - that i will fuck up my micro paper - and my macro paper - that this dialogue project is too fucking hard - that i'll have no hair for my arangetram cos it's all falling falling falling - that athai should get well, hope chemo can help her - that i'll breakdown - that i cann stay in hall next sem - it goes onnn. i'm crabby today. maybe its the first-day-of-period syndrome. maybe it was the nasty msn conversation in the morning, that made me feel oh SO horrible (seriously, why?), and then my mother adding on to it by being not very nice to me and stressing me out on top of all this (anuja, you must remember to practice dance at home okay, if not you'll have no stamina to dance on stage - like i fucking don't know - and you know the very bad timing they have given you at 12 50, roshni pillai says it will be very hot you must get used to the heat also make sure you practice okay - is it my fucking fault that my teacher refuses to swicth off the damn air con and scolds me when i ask him? - must do well its the music festival nooooo you cannot do make up yourself you must do it well you know) and then bala boss being all mean to me in class even though i mustered all the cheeriness as i possibly could and then fared horribly on a micro mid term partice paper. eggjam tomorrow. how? i'm dead. 0 comments Friday, February 24, 2006 i'm soo not using anymore. 1:56 AM a forwarded email, of a reply to a matrimonial ad. i think it's far too incredulous for someone to have really sent something like this. Madam: I am an olden young uncle living only with myself in Bangaloru. Having seen your advertisement for marriage purposes, I decided to press myself on you and hope you will take me nicely. I am a soiled son from inside Karnataka. I am nice and big, six foot tall and six inches long. My body is filled with hardness, as because I am working hardly. I am playing hardly also. Especially I like cricket and I am a good batter and I am fast baller. Whenever I come running in for balling, other batters start running. Everybody is scared of my rapid balls that bounce a lot. I am very nice man. I am always laughing loudly at everyone. I am jolly. I am gay. Especially ladies, they are saying I am nice and soft. I am always giving respect to the ladies. I am always allowing ladies to get on top. That is how nice I am. I am not having any bad habits. I am not drinking and I am not sucking tobacco or anything else. Every morning I am going to the gym and I am pumping like anything. Daily I am pumping and pumping. If you want you can come and see how much I am pumping the dumb belles in the gym. I am having a lot of money in my pants and my pants is always open for you. I am such a nice man, but still I am living with myself only. What to do? So I am taking things into my own hands everyday. That is why I am pressing myself on you, so that you will come in my house and take my things into your hand. If you are marrying me madam, I am telling you, I will be loving you very hard every day. In fact, I will stop pumping dumb belles in the gym. If you are not marrying me madam and not coming to me, I will press you and press you until you come. So I am placing my head between your nicely smelling feet and looking up with lots of hope. I am waiting very badly for your reply and I am stiff with anticipation. Expecting soon, Yours and only yours 1 comments Tuesday, February 21, 2006 stresss go very far away. 12:03 PM 1. doing laundry 2. folding clothes 3. cleaning my room 4. getting a hair cut 5. washing up 6. dancing!! 7. screaming at random people on msn =) 8. walking up and down the corridor aimlessly 9. listening to bombay jayashree 10. watching the oh so gorgeous aishwarya rai shaking booty to kajra re 11. eating!! 12. procrastinating by blogging random entries like this. oh well. reality calls. i shall dream another day. 2 comments Monday, February 20, 2006 huh?! 10:00 AM (the issue being Singaporeans not having enough children) ...the reason why young people don't get they are simply too busy. they are working. no time to go out, socialise, make friends. married couples also need good work life balance. i am not sure why, but hours have become longer, the pace is more intense. maybe it's the internet, maybe it's email, maybe its globalisation, but whatever it is, you wake up at 6 in the morning, you check your mail. eleven at night, before you go to sleep, you check it again, and the next morning, you come back and somebody has replied. how to have children? hmmm. so. singaporeans are not having sex, because of the internet, because of globalisation, because they check their email? this doesn't make any sense. seriously, this has to be the most spurious claim i've ever read. there are sooo many other reasons as to why people are single (confessions of 300 unmarried men hahahaa. hilarious) and why they don't have children. -shakes head- and then, you stress that we must work harder, be more productive at our jobs, do our best, contribute to the economy, work our asses off...and now have sex too? isn't that just far too much of you to ask us to do? it's too tiring. lol. maybe the dbs ladies card slogan can be used for Singapore's new tourist gimmick: the men don't get it. hah. 1 comments Sunday, February 19, 2006 smses with daddy. 11:15 AM oh nevermind. him: howz ma preencess doin'? me: i wake up alreadi larzzz. donch anihoe sae okaezzz. him: nont comprain okae i neber calchu, ony sms what. me: oki oki i veli veli the sorrie horzzz. eh l8r horzz, can pick me up from dance class? tree o clock i finish. can or not? =) him: ok can. c u. daddy is so funny. haha. oops. i mean farnie. =) 1 comments Thursday, February 16, 2006 be my valentine. 1:49 AM ![]() happy valentines! yea, alright, it is a useless holiday, just a commercial gimmick for florists and gift sellers to make money (and of course, how can we forget the nus buggers who sell flowers and pretty sparkly glittery things at exorbitantly high prices. if i see one more valentines day bazaar crap...-shudder-) but well. it's still fun. haaaha. even if you're single, you should just make a holiday out of it. like i did. hahaa. (school? what school? i have no readings! did i say readings? what readings?). they should just give us a public holiday. oh well. i seem to love pseudo dates. haah. and i think i've just come up with a new policy: i will only date attached guys. of course, with the permission of the girlfriends. =) especially if their girlfriends are away, i think it naturally makes them treat you better? try it and let me know -grin- the food was good, the company was good. i tell you, the whole of nus was at holland v la. and thank god for parvin's responsibility and forward thinking (he could be a pap member, you think?) - he made reservations! mexican food. and sangria! yumminess. sangria has to be the best alcoholic beverage ever. (remember pujie? random metro station in barcelona, the 2 of us were so hungry, and then we discovered this brilliant buffet for like, 10 euros? we ordered a pitcher of sangria and i got how giggly. hahaha. and WOMAN. you may have dated your books but i didn't hahaa) and i told myself not to order the fajita - didn't want to spill anything on myself and be utterly embarrassing. the last time, i just ended making a complete fool of myself. haaha. he even bought me flowers! which made me happy until... i found out that they were from cold storage. ... who the hell buys flowers from cold storage? UGH. and then he says: 'the flowers pale in comparision to you, but then again, they are quite ugly so that doesn't say much about you.' isn't he sweet. sigh. i see what dear hal had to put up with. -grin- and that picture behind clearly says 'yeaach what fugly flowers.' pffft. i know i shouldn't be complaining, he isn't my boyfriend [but still! cold storage! the horror! and i was carrying them around like how happily] and he did have the intention of buying nicer ones but the florist had closed down so technically it isn't his fault. boohissss. yes. it is the thought that counts. it was a really fun date though. thank you parvin!! had a great time. i owe you - next movie on me. (if i have money. and if i remember. i probably won't. hahaa) and no, halima and i did NOT conspire - she didn't ask me to ask you out so you wouldn't date anyone else. hahaa. sorry to have ruined your *ahem* alternative plans, though. next year you can date *ahem* her okay? -grin- and special mention to darling jinling who made me earrings they are soo pretty! thanks lotss girlie. and i promise i'll stop flirting with your bf. ya right. -laughs hysterically- 1 comments Tuesday, February 14, 2006 read. reading. readingss. 1:55 AM so much to read. just photocopied ONLY half (gasp!) of the readings today. on top of that, have no idea which are actually must plough through the whole stack of it. i am already very bleaugh reading about singapore, pap, singapore, pap...again and again. sigh. on top of that, i drank too much coffee and now i don't feel sleepy. and tmr is vday, i can't fall asleep during my date can i?? grrrr. and i can't have bad eyebags. that is just, like, you know, sooo totally unglam. -rolls eyes- read. reading. readingss. read!! readreadread. reading! read? READ. readings. more readings. somemore readings. keep reading. reading reading reading. read. readings! endless readings. read. read. readread. reading the readings. READING!! readings?? read. reaad. READ. readingsss. somemore readings. keep reading. reading reading reading. read. readings! endless readings. read. keep reading. reading reading reading. read. readings! endless readings. read. read. readread. reading the readings. READING!! READ. readings. more readings. somemore readings. keep reading. reading reading reading. read. readings! endless readings. you know what, read is a funny word. so is reading. why are they called readings? i am going mad. i just spent the last 15 minutes traumatising miaohui's friend on msn with random chinese phrases. i typed han yu pin yin, and they got typed as pretty pretty chinese charaters on her msn. haaah. it was brilliant: wo bu shi zhong guo ren, wo shi indu ren. wo zhen de shi indu ren. and i was hysterical. miaohui, please still be friends with me? =) 0 comments Thursday, February 09, 2006 dancing in the rain 5:23 PM i was thinking of that song today, when the i was sitting in my room (trying very hard to sound intellectual while answering the following question: what are asian values and how has the singapore government advanced these values? traumatising.) and watching the rain. it was the perfect weather to sleep - if not for the doubly strong coffee i had drank, i would probably have been sleeping on my comfy bed, drooling. hahaha. then, i randomly clicked on any tamil song to play; and 'chinna chinna mazhai thuligal' started to play, and i swear i would have started jumping around on the 7th floor rooftop in the rain. i love that song, and for some really strange reason (there's a part of my brain that is really really strange) i just want to dance around in the rain to that song. it's happy. it's simple. it's innocent. it's been ages since i just let loose and went mad in the rain. =) so fun. ah, the simple joys of life. 'intha vayathu kazhinthal, piragu engu nanaivathu?' loosely translated to 'you'll never get wet in the rain otherwise, so do it now'. ah, to be a kid again. no responsibilities, no stress, no worries, no essays, no dance performances, no deadlines...i miss cartoons and playgrounds and parks and barbies and primary school math. most of all, i miss having no inhibitions. i think, even when i'm 20 (gasp! i'm already 20!) or 30 or 40 i still will dance in the rain and go mad. there are lots of happy rain songs, 'chinna chinna mazhaithuligal' is just one of them. there's this other song 'mari mazhai peiyatho' from i don't know what movie, but it's so jumpy, and there's this song from the movie mazhai (where they are ALWAYS dancing in the rain) and there's the rain song from rhythm and then bhagereman from chameli and silsila from devdas...ah happy rain songs. and. i'm dancing on the 11th of march, and i have a horrible timing - 12 to 1.30 pm or something - and i hope it rains. ugh gonna die of heat. sulk. =) rain, rain, don't go away. 1 comments Wednesday, February 08, 2006 huiyian the heartbreaker. 2:33 AM ![]() this is huiyian. (hello huiyian! =)) doesn't she look sweet and innocent? isn't she just so pure and virtuous? she looks like she won't even hurt a fly, doesn't she? you'd think she wouldn't say a bad word against anyone. well. you're wrong. to be nice, i shall say a few nice things about her. hahaha. she's such a sweetheart, helps me do my laundry so that we save water and soap (but little miss sneaky is a past master at cheating the washimg machines and makes it a habit to wash and dry her clothes for free. i wonder why the machines at our block get jammed. hmmm. nope, not accusing you huiyian. -grin-) she wakes me up for breakfast when we have lecture at the same time in the morning, but lately miss conscientious has been ponning classes (got webcast what! she says) and waking up at 10 am. her room is absolutely spotless (i mean spotless. she's going to clean my house in the future. hehe) there's not a piece of dirt on the floor, her plastic bags are neatly folded n one drawer, her clothes in another and her files always neatly vertically stacked. she's such a neat and tidy child, not what you'd expect of a heartbreaker right? let me tell you. first, i ask her: i have a friend who's available and single. (btw i'm a matchmaker. yippee. it's fun! haha) do you want to date him for vday? he's intelligent and goodlooking and he's an officer and he's single! and she said, NO. just like that. i can't believe it, she broke joel's heart just like that. sigh. sorry, joel, i tried. don't worry - i'm not giving up! hahaa. then, over dinner, i refuse to accept that austin has no plans for vday. (digressing: anyone wants to date austin? hahaa.) so i ask dear huiyian next to me, huiyian, would you like to date austin for vday. and just what does she do? one flick of the hand, her palm facing me, she outrightly rejects austin. she is picky. PICKY! on top of that, some engine boy asks her out for vday, and she rejects him too. such a heartbreaker she is. and she broke my heart by telling me that i'm fat, that i have a huge butt and then to make things worse, she makes me wash her mugs and make her milo. hahaa. and then she says: eeew anu your room is so dirty! =( everyone, be careful. =) 0 comments Tuesday, February 07, 2006 happy and not so happy times. 2:52 PM been not so happy lately (what's wrong with me?!?) i thank vish and pujie for the cheering up =) love you two. pujie come back soon! i know you want to waahahaha. and don't worry, i'm on your side. i haven't crossed over...YET. *evil cackle* and vish don't go back so soon! will miss you. been addicted to this song for the past few days. days? i mean weeks. haah. heartbreaking to listen, and you can feel the emoiton in james blunt's voice when you listen to it. Goodbye, My Lover. Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. So I took what's mine by eternal right. Took your soul out into the night. It may be over but it won't stop there, I am here for you if you'd only care. You touched my heart you touched my soul. You changed my life and all my goals. And love is blind and that I knew when, My heart was blinded by you. I've kissed your lips and held your head. Shared your dreams and shared your bed. I know you well, I know your smell. I've been addicted to you. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. I am a dreamer but when I wake, You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take. And as you move on, remember me, Remember us and all we used to be I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile. I've watched you sleeping for a while. I'd be the father of your child. I'd spend a lifetime with you. I know your fears and you know mine. We've had our doubts but now we're fine, And I love you, I swear that's true. I cannot live without you. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. And I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I'm asleep. And I will bear my soul in time, When I'm kneeling at your feet. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow. 0 comments Saturday, February 04, 2006 she. he. me? 12:22 AM she says, how can you not? i say, how can i? i have no idea. 0 comments Friday, February 03, 2006 decisions. 8:11 PM i've been thinking about it. fine arts music fest on the 27th of feb. mid terms during that time as well. and then, a long term paper for my ss module due on the 24th. i can't do so many things, can i? it's quite obvious to me that if i don't fuck up one, i'll surely fuck up the other. OR both. like my 7th year exam. i didn't get a decent grade for my dance exam, nor did i do remotely well for my jc exams. i don't think i'll have time to practice for dance...there's a month more, and i have 2 more items to learn and i'm only managing once a week classes. if i spend everyday of my mid sem break practising, i doubt i'll do a good job. there's no way i can pull off 3-4 new items on such short notice. if only the abdul kalaam dance thing hadn't come up, i could have used the few days of holiday to practice dance seriously, but nooo. sigh. and then there's midterms. gotta study for them, not like last sem..where i soo didn't study and therefore i did not so goodly. cannot do the same thing again. cannottt. and i've realised that mid sems are actually important. sigh. i'm not willing to risk screwing up my exams. besides, i think i should save the knee for the arangetram. the music fest isn't that important. told amma in dec that i didn't want to dance but she insisted - got on my nerves, really. i said i just want to give them a break and then use them for the arangetram but she's like no just dance. sigh. she thinks it's a simple 4 item performance. seow ah she. and then when i said, 7 items...she was quite surprised. you think?? it's a 1 1/2 hr program woman. anyway she said 'up to you' and ive decided, i can always do music fest next big loss. and i don't want to repeat the dec items in feb, how boring is that. might as well learn new stuff and dance next year right? and instead of wasting time learning new items for the music fest i should just concentrate for the arangetram, right? sigh. instinct told me that i wouldn't be dancing for the music fest. somehow i just have a really really really bad feeling that something horribly bad is going to happen before the arangetram (touch wood) and that won't happen either! i shall stop talking about it; since the mosr i talk about something, the less likely it happens. now gotta do the difficult job of caling bala boss up and explaining to him why i can't do this. good luck to meee. 0 comments Wednesday, February 01, 2006 aren't we gorgeoussss? 3:01 PM ![]() haaah. been hanging around with this bunch of gorgeous girls for the past few days. every dance performance is complete madness, and so is this one. even though the difference in age is quite big - we have a 15 year old child and a 25 year old grandmother) we get along so well and even if the dance is mediocre, we have so much fun backstage. there's preeya. anu, druti and prapti! prapti is hilarious, got more scandalous pics of her, any takers?? hahhaa. and sorry preeya, this was the bestest picture of you i took. haaaha. the dance is tmr, we're going to have funfunfun. hopefully it's perfect, no mistakes and we dun giggle too much. and after this, we'll be on a first name basis with his excellency, abdul kalaam.=) 0 comments |