nobody dances around coconut trees, believe me.

fair, wheatish complexion. docile, domesticated, dancer. childbearing hips. by logical conclusion will make good wife.

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yunwen (:



Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Thursday, November 17, 2005

would you like some tea?

2:12 PM
just wondering. does tea have caffeine? or does it depend on what kind of tea it is? say, chinese teas. like chrysanthemum or green tea of chin chye tea (??), do these teas contain caffeine or do they just provide some sort of a cooling effect to the body? how about fruits tea peach tea mango tea and the like. they are brewed with real tea leaves, as all the abovementioned teas are, but I don't really get a 'oh yay I am high and awake and I can do work now!' effect. besides, I need a replacement for coffee, due to the following reasons:

1. Instant coffee makes your hair drop. according to me. daddy once told me that all these instant thingys contain horse shoe glue. i believe him.
2. Making coffee with milk is a hassle in hall. i gotta haul my ass up to the 7th floor and warm the milk and then it gets too hot and then i come back to my room and wait for it to cool and i end up forgetting that i made myself coffee in the first place and then i drink cold coffee (eeuks!!). basically i am a lazy ass. oh, and i can't make good coffee either, i gulp down the (cold) coffee so that i don't taste it.
3. KR coffee. does NOT taste good. -shudders- i think i'm slowly becoming immune to the coffee here. haha i think i chose convenience over taste. i miss my mum's nice nice coffee. =(
4. amma says coffee give syou nasty complexion. and alas! she is right!

but someone else told me that tea makes you stupid. hmmm so how? ahaha eat vendakkai (ladies finger) and drink tea, the smart effect of ladies finger will cancel out the stupid effect of tea.

random observation: green tea with jasmine tastes like a whole bunch of jasmine flowers blended together and made into juice. can you imagine eating the flowers off your hair? out of point, i know~

aiight. shall go and read econs textbook. i have an exam tmr. yes amma i'm studying. (fingers crossed).